
Die Meisterbanker von Frankfurt

Mr. Wolfgang Schäuble, the architect of the new model of economy for the European Union, draws the demarcation point for the authorization of the Eurozone 's national governments. Advancing even further than ECB and Bundesbank were dreaming of, now threatens directly every country faces financial problems that their usual local friends created.
He now states that the countries in trouble need to waive of their sovereignity. This is happening only after the successful accomplishment of a project where Greece surrendered its sovereignity by willingfully signing the Intercreditor Agreement in May 2010, carefully designed, edited and brought to be signed only to Schauble 's loyal puppet 's attention, the subservient Yorgos Papakonstantinou. This Loan Contract was created by an English lawyer company coming to prominence in the 80s and 90s on the saleout of the biggest state owned british companies under the Thatcher regime. The applicable right for any disputes ever occur will be the English law, a legal system known well for its flaws and ambiguity which favor the lending party.

Seems that the whole strategy is working well. As Europe and the US are constantly and irreversibly dragged to the loan markets' blackhole maelstrom by continuous lending that nobody anymore believes that will ever be paid off, just before the final dive to the abyss where the scavengers will lacerate the bodies once forming the nations' society and economy, like a gamma-ray burst, the governments and the banks are trying to take advantage of the complete mayhem to profiteer even this very moment. Until then, the kind of reassurements like "no citizens' deposits are in risk", "the country 's economy is slowly transitioning again to growth", "citizens have nothing to be afraid of" will resonate in the brain-washing news bulletins, while all facts emerging from the statistics and the real economy are denying them.
It seems we are watching a pathetic operetta. Frau Merkel, Monsieur Sarko, Trichet are starring and Yorgakis Papandreou, Zapatero, Coelho, Kenny and Berlusconi are the walk-outs. Mr. Schäuble is another disgusting shade in the colour pallette of the bankers/ministers alliance. Now, the masks have fallen. We distinguish them anymore. We know which thing represent one another and what are their intentions. I ask the German people to kick them out of ruling their lives, him and his supervisor.