Do these items remind you anything? They are the items that Peloponnese and Evia people will need eagerly to start building their life again. You can deliver used clothing and dry food at the Greek Red Cross central warehouse at the address: 111-113 Astrous str., Kolonos, Athens, Greece. Tel (+30) 210 5147300.
Balgarski (latinitsa, izviniavam se!)
Pomniat li vi neshto? Te sa predmeti absoliutno neobhodimi taka che horata na Pelopones da zapochnat ot novo da stroiat svoia zhivot. Ako imate drehi koito ne nosite poveche ili suha hrana, mozhete da gi izpratite na glavnia sklad na grackia cherven krast, na adresa: Astrous 111-113, Kolonos, Atina, Garcia. tel (+30) 2105147300.
(Text in German courtesy of Sascha)
Erinnern Sie diese Dinge an etwas? Diese Dinge sind was die Bewohner von Peloponnes und Euboea jetzt brauchen, um ihre Leben wieder neu beginnen zu koennen. Sie koennen gebrauchte Kleidung und haltbare Nahrungsmittel beim Griechischen Roten Kreuz vorbeibringen oder schicken an die Adresse:
Astrous 111-113, Kolonos, Athen, Griechenland. Tel (+30) 2105147300.
Let 's have some role playing while listening to the next song. I imagine Aisha as Greece and screaming Iggy as the PM. Very allegorical.
We've only just met
And I think you ought to know
I'm a murderer
Babies need blood
I have a portrait on my wall
He's a serial killer
I thought he wouldn't escape
He got out
We live in a cemetary
A cold and damp place
And science runs through us
Making us Gods
The rules are all Wrong
Every corrosion is justified
They honestly believe dead bodies
Anything goes around here
I still want to to be human again
What am I?
What am I?
I'm a murderer
I'm confused
I'm vibrating
I'm a murderer
The Gods all suck