The tragic loss of three innocent people and various clashes in front of the parliament building. These people threatened by their bosses on losing their jobs if going on strike, were suffocated to death by one God (or Marx) knows who, threw petrol bombs inside a bank branch. In difficult times throughout history, it was always very easy to provoke disaster and then to put the blame on the opponents.
Familiar as is this country with provocations, dozens of neonazi teams affiliated to the ultraright fascist party of the parliament were equipped with the communist party 's trade union flags. They were standing in front of the Unknown Soldier monument and tolling the crowd with the disgusting moto "burn down the parliament-brothel", who was standing past a thick line of the guarding volunteers of the communists' trade union. Hopefully, their call on assaulting the parliament building failed, but this did not obstruct their illiteral and populistic leader of blaiming on the communist leadership in the assembly.
Far-rightists are known agents provocateurs during the last century. This reminds me of something very similar that was crowned with success and finally led to a fire far bigger than this... Just imagining a Goering-Dimitrov conversation in the assembly....
Betabug 's statement on the events (German)
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